Monday, September 6, 2010

End of day 1.

Something went wrong
I had it all under control
but then my husband ordered chinese and i ate two fistfulls of noodles
saving grace: at least it's nothing compared to what i could eat.
so that's where it will stop
day 2: have to work on self control much much more
But at least now me so guilty, all flying food has ceased to fly in front of my face.
see you tom


  1. first things first get kishore on to this diet's very important that he too doesn't eat food from outside so that you aren't tempted..

  2. my my! relax yo! wat happened to ur dance whatever u want, just dance it off :)

  3. you can totally tell an Ankit's comment.'s okay. It's just the first day, take a stronger stand tomorrow onwards.

    And honestly, eat what you want earlier in the day than post-8pm. Slow metabolism is what gets to us.
